Technology Visionary Award


The Technology Visionary Award celebrates the exceptional visionaries in India who have redefined technological landscapes, inspired innovation, and revolutionized the way we perceive and utilize technology.

About the Award:

The Technology Visionary Award in India honors individuals who have shown unparalleled vision, pioneering spirit, and a transformative approach in shaping the technological realm.

Eligibility Criteria:
  • Open to exceptional technologists, innovators, and pioneers in India
  • No specific age limit
  • Demonstrated significant impact and leadership in technological advancements
  • Qualifications showcasing visionary contributions, innovations, or technological breakthroughs
  • Evidence of influential publications, patents, or game-changing technological initiatives

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Visionary contributions and transformative impact on technological landscapes
  • Pioneering innovations or breakthroughs that redefine technological norms
  • Leadership and influence in advancing technology and its applications
  • Contributions leading to substantial improvements or disruptions within technological domains
  • Potential for continued visionary leadership and impact on future technological advancements

Submission Guidelines:

  • Nomination dossier highlighting the nominee's biography and exceptional technological achievements
  • Abstract showcasing key technological innovations and their impact
  • Supporting documentation illustrating the nominee's influence and transformative contributions within the technology domain


Recipients of the Technology Visionary Award are honored through a prestigious ceremony, gaining recognition and admiration within the technological, innovation, and entrepreneurial communities in India.

Community Impact:

Winners serve as inspirations, driving innovation, fostering technological growth, and setting benchmarks for future technological advancements, impacting society on a larger scale.