Shiv Pandey | Plant Microbes Interaction | Best Researcher Award

Assist Prof Dr. Shiv Pandey - Plant Microbes Interaction - Best Researcher Award 🏆

CSIR-IHBT, Palampur - India

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

He embarked on his academic journey with a fervent passion for life sciences, culminating in a Ph.D. in Life Sciences from the prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, in 2012. His early academic endeavors laid the groundwork for his future contributions in the field of plant-microbe interaction, where he acquired comprehensive knowledge in microbiology, biochemistry, and botany. His academic excellence was evident throughout his educational trajectory, evidenced by his numerous awards and recognitions, including a Gold Medal for securing the first position during his graduation from Lucknow Christian P.G. College.

Professional Endeavors

Transitioning into the realm of research, he embarked on a prolific career path characterized by significant contributions to the field of microbiology and agriculture. He commenced his professional journey as a Research Fellow at the School of Life Sciences, JNU, New Delhi, where he honed his research skills and delved deeper into the intricacies of plant-microbe interactions. Subsequently, he assumed roles of increasing responsibility, including Research Associate at CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow, and CSIR-Pool Scientist (SRA), where he made substantial contributions to the understanding of medicinal plants' bioactive compounds. Currently, as a Senior Scientist at CSIR-Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology, Palampur, he continues to lead groundbreaking research initiatives aimed at unraveling the complexities of plant-microbe interactions in Himalayan ecosystems.

Contributions and Research Focus in Plant Microbes Interaction

His research focus revolves around elucidating the intricate symbiotic relationships between plants and microbes and their implications for agricultural sustainability and crop yield enhancement. His pioneering work on the role of beneficial microbes in nutrient cycling, disease suppression, and stress tolerance has significantly contributed to advancing our understanding of plant-microbe interactions. Through interdisciplinary approaches blending microbiology, biotechnology, and agricultural sciences, he has developed innovative strategies for harnessing the potential of microbial biofertilizers and biocontrol agents to promote sustainable agriculture practices. His research endeavors have profound implications for addressing global food security challenges and mitigating the adverse effects of climate change on agricultural productivity.

Accolades and Recognition

His exemplary contributions to scientific research have been recognized through numerous awards and accolades. Noteworthy among these are the CSIR-Senior Research Associateship, awarded in 2017, and the Outstanding Publication Awards for his seminal research contributions. Additionally, his academic achievements, including Junior and Senior Research Fellowships, highlight his exceptional merit and dedication to advancing the frontiers of knowledge in microbiology and agriculture.

Impact and Influence

His research findings have far-reaching implications for agricultural sustainability and environmental stewardship. By elucidating the mechanisms underlying plant-microbe interactions, he has paved the way for the development of novel agricultural interventions aimed at enhancing crop yield, reducing chemical inputs, and promoting soil health. Moreover, Dr. Pandey's mentorship role and active participation in academic and scientific forums have inspired a new generation of researchers to pursue careers in microbiology and agriculture, thus perpetuating his legacy of excellence and innovation.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As he continues to spearhead cutting-edge research in plant-microbe interactions, his legacy lies in his unwavering commitment to addressing pressing agricultural challenges through scientific inquiry and innovation. By leveraging his expertise in microbiology and agriculture, he seeks to develop sustainable agricultural practices that optimize crop productivity while preserving environmental integrity. His future contributions hold the promise of revolutionizing agricultural systems worldwide, fostering resilience, and ensuring food security for generations to come.


  • Citations               2066
  • h-index                  22
  • i10-index               33

Notable Publications

Parmanand Sahu | Agricultural Engineering | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Parmanand Sahu - Agricultural Engineering - Best Researcher Award 🏆

ICAR- Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal (MP) - India

Professional Profiles

Early Academic Pursuits

He embarked on his academic journey with a strong foundation in Agricultural Engineering, driven by a passion for innovation and sustainable agricultural practices. Graduating with distinction from Bhartiya College of Agricultural Engineering, Durg (C.G.) in 2013, he demonstrated an early aptitude for understanding the intricate workings of agricultural systems.

Professional Endeavors

His professional trajectory has been marked by a series of impactful roles and contributions to the field of Agricultural Engineering. From his tenure as a Senior Research Fellow at ICAR-Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Bhopal, where he conducted cutting-edge research on farm machinery and irrigation systems, to his role as a Young Professional at Thakur Pyarelal State Institute of Panchayat & Rural Development, Nimora, Raipur C.G., where he honed his skills in training and development, he has consistently demonstrated dedication and expertise in his field.

Contributions and Research Focus in Agricultural Engineering

At the core of his work lies a deep commitment to advancing agricultural practices through technological innovation. His research focus on Farm Machinery and Power Engineering has led to significant advancements in crop production, irrigation systems, and food processing. Through his work, Dr. Sahu aims to enhance agricultural efficiency, sustainability, and productivity, ultimately contributing to global food security.

Agricultural engineering is a branch of engineering that applies engineering principles and technology to solve agricultural problems and improve agricultural practices. Agricultural engineers design, develop, and implement innovative solutions to enhance crop production, manage agricultural resources efficiently, and optimize farming operations. Agricultural engineering plays a crucial role in advancing agricultural sustainability, increasing food production, and addressing challenges such as climate change, water scarcity, and food security.

Accolades and Recognition

His contributions have been recognized and celebrated within the academic and research communities. His outstanding Ph.D. thesis earned him the prestigious Best Ph.D. Thesis Award at the 5th International Conference on Global Insights on Research & Development in Agriculture, Horticulture, and Allied Science. Additionally, his research papers and presentations have received accolades, including Best Research Paper, Best Oral Presentation Award, and Third Prize in Oral Presentation, highlighting the caliber and impact of his work.

Impact and Influence

His research and contributions have had a tangible impact on the agricultural landscape, both locally and globally. By developing innovative solutions for farm machinery, irrigation, and food processing, he has helped improve efficiency, reduce resource consumption, and enhance agricultural sustainability. His work serves as a blueprint for future research and development in Agricultural Engineering, inspiring the next generation of scholars and practitioners to tackle the challenges of feeding a growing population in a changing climate.

Legacy and Future Contributions

As he continues his journey in Agricultural Engineering, his legacy of excellence and innovation will continue to inspire and shape the field. With a focus on harnessing technology to address pressing agricultural challenges, he aims to leave a lasting impact on global food security and sustainability. Through continued research, collaboration, and mentorship, He is committed to shaping a future where agricultural engineering plays a central role in creating a more resilient and prosperous world.

Notable Publications


Rajendran Srinivasan | Agricultural and Biological Sciences | Best Researcher Award

Rajendran Srinivasan | Best Researcher Award Winner 2023🏆

Dr. Rajendran Srinivasan : Agricultural and Biological Sciences

Dr. Rajendran Srinivasan is an Teaching Assistant in the Department of Fisheries Science at Alagappa University, Karaikudi.

Congratulations, Dr. Rajendran Srinivasan, on winning the esteemed Best Researcher Award from Research! Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. Here's to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done!

He presently serves as a Teaching Assistant in the Department of Fisheries Science at Alagappa University, Karaikudi. His role encompasses leveraging his expertise in Aquatic Microbiology to impart knowledge and contribute to the academic growth of students pursuing M.Sc. in Fisheries Sciences. With a background in Marine Biology, his responsibilities involve assisting in academic activities, conducting research, and providing valuable insights into various facets of microbiology within the scope of aquatic environments. His dedication to teaching and research enables him to continually contribute to the university's scientific pursuits while fostering a learning environment conducive to academic excellence in the field of fisheries and marine sciences.

Professional Profiles:

Early Academic Pursuits :

His academic journey reflects a dedicated pursuit of knowledge in Aquatic Microbiology. Commencing with a Bachelor's in Botany, he progressed through a series of qualifications, including an M.Sc. in Microbiology, M.Phil. in Microbiology, and a Ph.D. in Marine Biology from esteemed institutions like A.V.V.M. Sri Pushpam College and Alagappa University. His research at various academic levels emphasized diverse aspects such as bioluminescent bacteria, growth patterns influenced by AM Fungi, and biodiversity of plant parasitic nematodes associated with Banana in Tamil Nadu.

Professional Endeavors :

He has exhibited a blend of teaching and research roles, serving as a Teaching Assistant in the Department of Fisheries Science, Alagappa University. Additionally, his tenure as a Project Fellow under the Department of Science and Technology-Promotion of University Research and Scientific Excellence (DST-PURSE) sponsored research project highlights his commitment to scientific exploration.

Contributions and Research Focus in Agricultural and Biological Sciences :

His doctoral research, supervised by Dr. C. Govindasamy, concentrated on phylogenetic characterization of bioluminescent bacteria in the Palk Strait. Prior investigations delved into diverse subjects like the impact of AM Fungi on plant growth, mass multiplication of Azospirillum from paddy root, and the biodiversity of plant parasitic nematodes in Banana farming.

Accolades and Recognition :

His academic pursuits have earned him accolades, including a Ph.D. in Marine Biology and distinctions such as a Teaching Assistant role in the Fisheries Science department. His notable research contributions in diverse microbiological realms depict his dedication to advancing scientific understanding.

Impact and Influence :

His research in various microbiological domains potentially impacts ecological studies and agricultural practices. His discoveries on bioluminescent bacteria, plant growth influences, and nematode biodiversity stand as valuable contributions to the field of Microbiology.

Legacy and Future Contributions :

His legacy lies in his significant research contributions elucidating various aspects of microbiology. His future endeavors may involve furthering the understanding of aquatic microbiology and its applications in ecological sustainability and agriculture, building upon his existing impactful research contributions.

Notable Publications :


A total of  543 citations for his publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of his research within the academic community.

  • Citations    323    220
  • h-index        9          7
  • i10-index     9          7