Science Visionary Award


The Science Visionary Award celebrates groundbreaking innovation and visionary leadership within the Indian scientific landscape. This prestigious award recognizes individuals whose pioneering contributions have significantly impacted scientific progress and propelled advancements across various disciplines.

About the Award:

Eligibility for the Science Visionary Award is open to Indian scientists, researchers, academicians, and innovators across all age groups. The award emphasizes outstanding achievements and contributions in scientific research, innovation, and transformative projects that have demonstrated substantial positive impact and potential for future growth.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Open to Indian nationals
  • No specific age limit
  • Demonstrated contributions to scientific research or innovation
  • Outstanding publications or projects showcasing visionary insights
  • Nominees must submit a comprehensive dossier detailing their contributions

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Innovation and originality of scientific contributions
  • Demonstrated impact and significance in the field
  • Future potential and scalability of the work
  • Excellence in research methodologies or innovative approaches
  • Potential for societal or industry impact

Submission Guidelines:

  • Nomination dossier including a detailed biography, abstract of work, and supporting documents/files
  • Clear demonstration of the impact and significance of the nominee's work
  • Supporting publications or projects showcasing visionary insights


The Science Visionary Award acknowledges the recipient's exceptional achievements through a prestigious ceremony, featuring extensive media coverage and recognition within the scientific community.

Community Impact:

Recipients of this award become ambassadors for visionary scientific contributions, inspiring future generations and fostering innovation within the Indian scientific community.